0403 616 327 allguard@pest.net.au
The Benefits of Essential Oil in Getting Rid of Ants

The Benefits of Essential Oil in Getting Rid of Ants

Having an ant colony or infestation at home can be a significant household concern. For one, ants can spread diseases, parasites, and other harmful organisms. Also, they can mess up with your lawn or garden and even cause potential damage to the structure of your...
The Benefits of Essential Oil in Getting Rid of Ants

What to Know About Ant Colonies – Pest Control 101

An ant colony is indeed an essential part of the ecosystem. Its existence creates a symbiotic relationship among species and creates balance in the whole ecological system. Ants are said to clear the ground of organic matter, clean up leaf litter, and create fertile...
The Benefits of Essential Oil in Getting Rid of Ants

6 Effective Ways to Kill Ants Outside Your Home

Melbourne has various species of ants, and these critters can be a nuisance to you and your home. Some species, such as the fire ants, can even harm your health. Don’t wait for these ants to find your home as their nesting place. If you find a mound of ants crawling...

The Dangers of Pavement Ants & How to Deal with Them

When people think of ants, they usually don’t think about them being dangerous pests that can do any more harm beyond leaving behind some itchy bite marks. Some species of ants can give some nasty stings, but those are usually not the types of ants that live inside...